Search results: DAFO%20Softback
Adam: Hyperextension
A young boy with knee hyperextension experiences improvement in stability and gait pattern when introduced to a combined regimen of bracing and physical therapy. This video demonstrates the brace selection process from assessing the patient’s needs, to assessing the outcome.
Product video | DAFO 4
This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO 4.
Article: Multiple Presentations and Therapy Goals
A Dafo Dynamic article by Vicki Schwartz, PT and Loretta Sheldon, COA. A prime example how external circumstances can play a critical role in the brace selection process for multiple presentations.
Article: A Personal Odyssey
A Dafo Dynamic article by Raina Emma Angelina Hubbard, written as a 10th grade English class assignment on relating Homer's "Odyssey" to her personal experience living with athetoid cerebral palsy.
Letters | Hello from Peru
A Dafo Dynamic article letter from Jodee Fortner, MSPT, C/NDT about her trip to Peru for a physical and occupational therapy project.
Product video | DAFO 3
This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO® 3.
Product video | DAFO Tami2
This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO® Tami2.
Article: Tibial Varum: Recognizing its presence and accommodating it in bracing
When bracing isn't working and the source of the trouble is hard to trace, tibial varum may be something to consider.
Product video | DAFO 3.5
This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO® 3.5
Product video | DAFO 2
This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO® 2
DAFO KAFO: Order Form
Order form for the DAFO KAFO. May be completed electronically or printed and filled out by hand. Must be sent in with the patient's cast or uploaded with your digital scan through the e-order system at
Product video | DAFO Turbo
This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO® Turbo
Product video | Dafo 9 Softy
This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO® 9 Softy.
Product video | DAFO FA
This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO® FA.
Product video | DAFO 5
This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO® 5.
Derby's First Steps
We received the following email and video from Tadd, proud dad to twins Derby and Loen: “My twins were born 16 weeks early, at just 24 weeks and 2 days gestation weighing only 1 pound 6 ounces each. They both were in the NICU for nearly 4 months and came home in February 2008. We were pleased with our NICU outcome, especially considering some of the hurdles that they both overcame. Fast forward for about 1 year – February 2009. The twins adjusted age is now around 1 year. My daughter starts to walk and is pretty much on pace with her adjusted age. My son, on the other hand, is clearly not going to be walking in the near future. We received a cerebral palsy diagnosis for him sometime in the middle of August, 2009 and the doctor prescribed him a DAFO. At this point, I was hoping that he would be walking on his own by Christmas. Then, he received his DAFO on Monday, August 31, 2009 and proceeded to amaze us by taking his first steps only 2 days later. You can only imagine the elation that his mother and I shared that day. There was no stopping him after that. For the next month or two he didn’t want to play, he only wanted to walk. So, while it is a little bit late, I would like to thank you for helping my son. His mobility really means the world to him and also to us.”
Product video | DAFO Floor Reaction
This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO® Floor Reaction.
Product video | DAFO FlexiSport
This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO® FlexiSport.
Maggie and Beau
Meet Maggie and Beau – like many kids and family dogs, they’ve grown up together. But Beau is not the typical family dog and the bond between them goes much deeper, as you’ll hear from Maggie while she prepares for the next chapter in her life.
Before & After | Moderate Crouching | DAFO 3.5
This before-and-after video shows a young girl with a crouched posture wearing DAFO 3.5s. The semi-rigid posterior strut of the DAFO 3.5s provides resistance to her crouched posture while giving some movement at the ankle.
Before & After: Excess Plantarflexion | Toe Walking | DAFO 2
In this before and after video, a young boy wears a hinged DAFO 2 on his left side to help control excess plantarflexion (toe walking). The custom-fabricated DAFO 2 combines full wrap-around foot control with a hinged proximal up-right designed to block plantarflexion.
Article: Catch that Wave
A Dafo Dynamic article by Susan Witter and Debra Huntsman-Lannom, PT. Debra enlisted a professional surfer to use surfing therapy for children with mobility challenges.
Before & After: Excess Plantarflexion - Toe Walking | DAFO 2
In this before and after video, a boy wears hinged DAFO 2s to help control excess plantarflexion (toe walking). The custom-fabricated DAFO 2 combines full wrap-around foot control with a hinged proximal up-right to block plantarflexion.
Bremerton Beyond Accessible Playground
The playground of our dreams? It exists. We were delighted to attend the grand opening of this incredible, inclusive, beyond accessible project, located in Bremerton, Washington. To learn more visit: http:// Video created by Cascade Dafo, Inc.
How to | Adjust distal trimlines
This how-to video shows the process of adjusting the distal trimlines.
How to | Adjust distal trimlines on a Softy liner
This how-to video shows the process of adjusting distal trimlines on a Softy liner.
How to | Flare proximal trimlines on a DAFO 4
This how-to video shows the process of flaring the proximal trimlines on a DAFO 4.
How to | Flare the proximal trimline on a DAFO Tami2
This how-to video shows the process of flaring the proximal trimline on a DAFO Tami2.
How to | Relieve the navicular by cutting a window
This how-to video shows the process of cutting a window at the navicular to relieve pressure.
How to | Trim the toe shelf on a DAFO
This how-to video shows the process of trimming the toe shelf on a DAFO.
How to | Flare the met head
This how-to video shows the process of flaring the brace at the 5th met head, a common field adjustment.
How to | Relieve boney prominences
This how-to video shows the process of relieving boney prominences by heating and pushing out, a common field adjustment. It also includes a brief tool explanation.
An example of overheating thin plastic
This video shows what happens if you overheat the plastic while making adjustments.
How to | Cut an AFO down to an SMO to test a lower level of support
This how-to video narrated by Cindy Diener, CPO shows the process of cutting a DAFO 3 down to a DAFO 4 to test a lower level of support on a patient before ordering new braces.
Case study | 3 yr. old girl - excess dorsiflexion/crouching | DAFO Turbo Softy
This case study follows a young patient diagnosed with Marfan Syndrome, Emri age 3, exhibits excess dorsiflexion/crouching. She receives a pair of custom fabricated DAFO Turbo Softy orthoses. Her physical therapist Kathy Shaprio, PT is interviewed about Emri's progress. The video is narrated by Don Buethorn, CPO.
NWBA National Women's Tournament, Seattle, March 18-20, 2016
Cascade Dafo attended the NWBA National Women’s Tournament in Seattle. What a treat to watch these super-energized and talented young women tearing up the court!
Emri's Marfan Story
Learn about Emri, a little girl with Marfan Syndrome, and how she has far exceeded everyone's expectations.
Five Facets of a Fine Fit
A Dafo Dynamics article about five things to look at when fitting a brace.
The DAFO Toolbox
A Dafo Dynamics article about common tools used to make minor adjustments to fit.
Assessing fit and making adjustments to extend wear time over the summer
A Dafo Dynamics article about adjustments that can be made to braces to extend wear and comfort.
News article: Ankle-Foot Bracing for Young Athletes
Published in the April 2008 edition of O&P Edge.
Before & after: low tone pronation | DAFO 5
This before and after video shows a patient benefiting from the added stability and support provided by a pair of DAFO 5s. The DAFO 5 is custom fabricated from a cast, has defined plantar surface contours, fully integrated padding, and partial heel and midfoot wrap.
Tour Cascade Dafo's online courses
This video takes you on a quick tour of Cascade Dafo's online courses giving you a preview of the courses and how easy it is to log-in and get started.
Article: A treatment plan for idiopathic walking
A Dafo Dynamic article by Susan Steindorf, MSPT, NDT, offering her strategy for treating idiopathic toe walking.
Brace movement | DAFO 3 and DAFO 2
This video demonstrates how the leg and ankle move in the DAFO 3 as compared to the DAFO 2. Both braces are designed to block excess plantarflexion which can present as toe walking or knee hyperextension.
Brace movement | DAFO 4 w/posterior strap
This video demonstrates how the leg and ankle move in the DAFO 4 with a posterior strap.
Brace movement | DAFO FlexiSport
This video demonstrates how the leg and ankle move in the DAFO FlexiSport.
DAFO Creation Station - Come on over and get creative
Decking out custom DAFOs just got a whole lot easier – and much more fun! The DAFO Creation Station takes the guesswork out of choosing between the various patterns and colors – and its interactive, straightforward design makes it easy to use. Not only will kids have fun designing their new braces, they’ll be excited to show off the final product!
Fashion show | Introducing solid-color transfers
Introducing solid-color transfers. See our entire collection on the Creation Station.
Before and After: Excess Dorsiflexion - Crouching | DAFO FA
This before-and-after video shows a young boy with a crouched posture benefit from the stability and support of solid-ankle AFOs. The patient is wearing the DAFO FA -- a custom-fabricated brace with wrap-around control and a high instep trimline that gently blocks excess dorsiflexion. This brace style is particularly well-suited for smaller patients as it is both light, and simple in form and function.
Before & After | Strong Pronation | DAFO Tami2 Free Ankle
This before-and-after video shows a young patient with very strong pronation wearing DAFO Tami2s. The DAFO Tami2s allow the patient free dorsiflexion and plantarflexion, but control the patients strong pronation because of how high up the leg they go, giving more control for pronation than SMOs.
Happy Holidays from the Cascade Dafo Elves
We’re busy making DAFOs and getting into the holiday spirit here in DAFO land!
Scanning the Outside of a Cast
Step-by-step instructions for scanning the outside of a cast to order DAFOs
Adjusting Distal Trim Lines
Step-by-step instruction how to adjust distal trim lines for length, medial and lateral sides.
With you every step of the way
A 30 second video featuring a patient at age 4, age 10, and age 15 wearing DAFOs every step of the way.
Brace movement | DAFO 3 and DAFO 2 side-by-side comparison
This side-by-side comparison shows how the leg and ankle move in the DAFO 3 as compared to the DAFO 2. Both braces are designed to block excess plantarflexion which can present as toe walking or knee hyperextension.
Brace movement | DAFO 2 and DAFO Tami2 side-by-side comparison
This side-by-side comparison shows how the leg and ankle move in the DAFO 2 as compared to the DAFO Tami2. Both of these hinged braces are designed to block excess plantarflexion while allowing free dorsiflexion.
Brace movement | DAFO 3.5 and DAFO FlexiSport side-by-side comparison
This side-by-side comparison shows how the leg and ankle move in the DAFO 3.5 as compared to the DAFO FlexiSport. Both of these leaf-spring style braces are designed to resist both plantarflexion and dorsiflexion. The DAFO FlexiSport is designed for bigger, more active patients, while the DAFO 3.5 is intended for smaller patients.
Before and After | Moderate toe walking | DAFO Softback
The soft durable pad and strap combination of the DAFO Softback help this patient keep her heels down so she can achieve a good heel strike. Her pronation is corrected and she can access free dorsiflexion to help build strength and range.
Before and After | strong toe walking | DAFO 3
The solid proximal posterior upright of the DAFO 3 blocks this patient's plantarflexion, preventing him from going up on his toes. Because there is no proximal anterior strap, his legs are free to move into dorsiflexion. He has a nice heel strike and his feet are held in a corrected position while wearing the DAFO 3.
Before and After | Strong toe walking | DAFO Tami2
In this before and after video, notice the marked improvement in this patient's gait. The hinged DAFO Tami2 blocks his toe walking giving him a nice heel strike while also correcting his pronation.
Product video | DAFO 3.5 & DAFO FlexiSport comparison
This product video compares the DAFO 3.5 and the DAFO FlexiSport, two functionally similar braces styles. Watch the video to learn how they differ and what patients would benefit from each brace style.
Before and After: Swing Phase Inconsistency | DAFO 3.5
A young boy wears a pair of custom-fabricated DAFO 3.5 orthoses to help control swing phase inconsistency. The DAFO 3.5 combines full wrap-around foot control with a leaf-spring style posterior that provides graded resistance to ankle movement helping to prevent his foot-drop and giving him a good heel strike.
Before and After: Excess Dorsiflexion/Crouching | DAFO FA Softy
A young girl wears a pair of custom-fabricated DAFO FA Softy orthoses to help control her strong excess dorsiflexion/crouching and give her support and stability for more endurance.
Removable Stretching Straps
Overview of the different removable stretching strap options.
Product video | DAFO FA & DAFO Turbo comparison
This product video compares the DAFO FA and the DAFO Turbo, two functionally similar braces styles. Watch the video to learn how they differ and what patients would benefit from each brace style.
Adaptive Kayaking Expo
Meet the participants, volunteers, and organizers of this fun community kayaking event and watch as everybody gets out on the water.
Tips and Tricks | Working with young patients while casting
Quick tips for working with young patients while casting.
K3 Knee Brace: Order Form
Order form for the K3 Knee. May be completed electronically or printed and filled out by hand.
Tips and Tricks | Working with young patients during assessment
Quick tips for working with young patients during manual assessment
Before & After: knee hyperextension | DAFO FlexiSport
This patient is wearing a pair of DAFO FlexiSport AFOs to control hyperextension. The DAFO FlexiSport has a semi-flexible posterior upright, providing graded resistance to plantarflexion/dorsiflexion.
DAFO TurboH: Order Form
Order form for the DAFO TurboH. May be completed electronically or printed and filled out by hand. Must be sent in with the patient's cast or uploaded with your digital scan through the e-order system at
DAFO TurboH Softy: Order Form
Order form for DAFO TurboH Softy. May be completed electronically or printed and filled out by hand. Must be sent in with the patient's cast or uploaded with your digital scan through the e-order system at
DAFO TurboH: Product Sheet
Detailed product information and patient indications for the DAFO TurboH