Documents & Videos: article
Reduction of Pediatric Idiopathic Toe Walking
Orthotist Sunny Solveson's treatment plan for Idiopathic Toe Walking using Cascade Dafo shoe inserts.
News article: Ankle-Foot Bracing for Young Athletes
Published in the April 2008 edition of O&P Edge.
News Article: How to Answer the Bracing Question
Published in the July 2008 edition of PT Products.
News Article: Will My Child Benefit from Using Braces?
Published in the May 2008 edition of Exceptional Parent.
News Article: Growing Needs
Published in the November 2008 edition of Advance for Directors in Rehabilitation.
News Article: Step by Step
Published in the August 2009 edition of Advance for Directors in Rehabilitation.
News article: AOPA (Australia) Clinical Feature
Published in the June 2014 edition of the Australian Orthotic Prosthetic Association (AOPA) Gazette.
Article: A treatment plan for idiopathic walking
A Dafo Dynamic article by Susan Steindorf, MSPT, NDT, offering her strategy for treating idiopathic toe walking.
Article: Catch that Wave
A Dafo Dynamic article by Susan Witter and Debra Huntsman-Lannom, PT. Debra enlisted a professional surfer to use surfing therapy for children with mobility challenges.
Article: Multiple Presentations and Therapy Goals
A Dafo Dynamic article by Vicki Schwartz, PT and Loretta Sheldon, COA. A prime example how external circumstances can play a critical role in the brace selection process for multiple presentations.
Article: A Personal Odyssey
A Dafo Dynamic article by Raina Emma Angelina Hubbard, written as a 10th grade English class assignment on relating Homer's "Odyssey" to her personal experience living with athetoid cerebral palsy.
Letters | Hello from Peru
A Dafo Dynamic article letter from Jodee Fortner, MSPT, C/NDT about her trip to Peru for a physical and occupational therapy project.
Article: Tibial Varum: Recognizing its presence and accommodating it in bracing
When bracing isn't working and the source of the trouble is hard to trace, tibial varum may be something to consider.
Article: Summertime Tips for DAFOs
An article with tips for DAFOs in the summer.