Fixed ankle, PF block, DF block, Softy liner

DAFO FA Softy Order Form

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Key Features

Custom-fabricated from cast or scan -- no plaster casts
Defined plantar surface contours
Full wrap-around shell
for flexible control of foot position and alignment
Fully integrated padding
Proximal component
blocks plantarflexion and dorsiflexion
Softy Liner
provides more comfortable control for difficult-to-correct feet or feet with sensitive boney anatomy


  • Despite overall high tone, lacks consistent plantarflexion strength and collapses into crouched and severely-pronated stance (often rocker-bottomed).
  • Crouched stance can be improved by manually extending the knee.
  • Lower weight and smaller size do not warrant the complexity of the DAFO Turbo two-part brace.
  • Have difficult to correct feet or feet with sensitive boney prominences.

Product video | DAFO FA

This product video looks at the function and features of the custom fabricated DAFO® FA.

Product video | DAFO FA

Product video | DAFO FA & DAFO Turbo comparison

This product video compares the DAFO FA and the DAFO Turbo, two functionally similar braces styles. Watch the video to learn how they differ and what patients would benefit from each brace style.

Product video | DAFO FA & DAFO Turbo comparison