Browsing: S
- Score
- To make narrow, usually parallel cuts in a surface or material.
- Severe
- Extremely intense.
- Shape
- (n) Surface configuration or form. (v) To manipulate into a specific configuration or form.
- Shave (Down) (take down; reduce; decrease; remove)
- To reduce an area of a mold in size or volume.
- Shim
- (n) A thin, often tapered piece of material used as a filler or wedge to change position of an object. (v) To change position by adding a shim.
- Skive
- To cut or shape so that there is a gradual decrease in width or thickness (same as: bevel; taper).
- Slender
- A description of volume indicating less than normal thickness or width due to the absence of body fat (same as: thin; skinny).
- Slightly
- A very small amount.
- Smooth
- (adj) A surface free from roughness. (v) To make a surface level, unwrinkled, free from roughness.
- Span
- To extend across two points or features.
- Square
- A shape or form with two sides coming together at an angle at or near 90º.
- Square-Off
- To shape or form two sides such that the intersecting angle is at or near 90º.
- ST
See Sustentaculam Tali
- Standard
- The normal or usual position, size, shape, material, design or actions for a given product, feature, process or service.
- Strong
- Forceful, intense, powerful.
- Sub-
- Below or under. (Example: sub-malleolar = below the ankle)
- Subtalar Joint
- Interface or joint between the talus and the calcaneus. (“below the talus”)
- Sulcus
The groove between the toe and the foot that forms when the toe is plantarflexed. The transitional area between the end of the foot and the toes.
- Superior
Above; closer to the head.
- Supination (to Supinate)
- Excessive use of the lateral side of the foot for support and/or ambulation. Typically presents with varus heel, raised medial arch and forefoot adduction.
- Sustentaculum Tali (Abbr: “ST”)
A boney ledge that is located on the upper part of the calcaneus.